FACE Nepal's primary aim is to support the education and health of the local community, and even the smallest donation can help towards that goal. We offer two different methods of donation.


Child Sponsorship Programme

Have a lasting impact on one particular student's education and future. (Long-term and one-off donation schemes available).


Project Sponsorship Programme

See a more immediate impact through one-off donations towards local projects varying in nature and scope.

All FACE Nepal sponsorship programmes guaranteE

  1. The entirety of your donation will go towards the intended charitable activity

  2. Reports on how your donation has been used and programme progress (either one-off or regular reports depending on donation type)

  3. Donor involvement through direct communication and visitation, if desired

Child Sponsorship Programme

Cost: Between $104 - $150 per year (costs reassessed annually)

To encourage a real connection with the child you sponsor, your donation is directly paired with that child's needs rather than being put into a sponsorship 'pot'. Costs increase with age and level in school, hence the variation. A small proportion of your fee will also go towards the salary of our two paid members of staff based in Nepal.

Some sponsors may choose to continue to sponsor a student through college and university, where fees increase significantly. While FACE Nepal does not cover this through our programme, we are happy to facilitate private donations.

Duration: Min. 1 year, Max. 11 years

Long-term Sponsorship - Sponsorship is most effective when it continues for the duration of child's time at school. FACE Nepal aims to cover a child from reception/kindergarten through to year 10, i.e. up to 11 years. Some children will require less depending on their current year in school.

One-off sponsorship - While we encourage long-term sponsorship where possible, we appreciate this isn't an option for everyone. One-off sponsorships for a minimum of one year's fees can help particularly older students, who may only have 1-2 years of schooling left.

Should circumstances arise where the sponsor is unable to continue, we request that you advise us as soon as possible so we can make alternative arrangements.

Progress Reports: Annual, and upon request

Feedback reports on the health and well-being of your child will be sent on an annual basis. These cover the impact your contribution has made, as well as the child's standing in school, home life and their interests.

FACE Nepal are happy to provide updates in the interim between reports, please simply contact us with any queries. Additionally, FACE Nepal are happy to facilitate visits to sponsored children (though we regrettably cannot cover travel costs).

Project Sponsorship Programme

Cost: Any donation size acceptable (projects vary significantly in overall cost)

If you have a specific project sponsorship idea in mind, we request a deposit of US$100.00 to pay for the quotation and planning involved in the submission of project proposals for your consideration. If you wish us to simply use your funds towards our next prioritised project the deposit can be foregone.

Projects sponsored by FACE Nepal are recommended by the local community, and require a level of community involvement in their construction to ensure long-term interest. They are reviewed by our Advisory & International boards to ensure the money requested is reasonable for the work required. Projects have previously covered a wide range from installing public toilets, building learning centres, providing hygiene amenities to a village and more.

If requested, FACE Nepal is happy to provide a list of projects in progress or awaiting approval to you so that you can choose to donate towards one specifically suited to your interests. Alternatively, we can simply use your funds towards our next prioritised item.

If you would like to instigate a project, FACE Nepal will develop a project proposal for you including timelines, costs and methods and will submit these for your consideration.

Progress Reports: Upon completion or request

All projects are covered in our annual newsletters, which you will receive. Additionally, if the project is ongoing we are happy to provide reports regularly or whenever requested. These will include photographs and a cost breakdown.

Ready to Sponsor? Here are the Next Steps

  1. Download the registration form here and return it to us at info@face-nepal.org

  2. Be sure to include any particular requests or questions on the form (i.e. maximum fee limit, child age etc.)

  3. FACE Nepal will get back to you as soon as possible with a quotation, including details of the child, cost breakdown and other relevant details.

  4. Once satisfied, submit your approval of the quotation and we will begin setting up the payment process.

(Note: Any significant change to your sponsored child's situation or the exchange rate will be shared with you immediately and a new cost quotation submitted for your approval)

Further FAQ's regarding sponsorship can be accessed here.